Support for anyone affected by addiction and mental health.
Support for anyone affected by addiction and mental health.


“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” – C.S. Lewis

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Recovery and Mental Health Coaching

Recovery doesn’t have a finish line, and the first 12 months are the most vulnerable and vital to building long-lasting recovery. This is the time to rebuild one’s life and develop new behaviors that will either lead to recovery or to relapse. 

In our experience, relapse begins well before one picks up a drink or drug and is precipitated by patterns of unhealthy behaviors. Coaching will enable staff and clients to identify these red flags and use them to their advantage to grow stronger. At Helm Recovery, our mission is to enable individuals to find their passions and build a meaningful life for themselves and their families. 

Recovery is messy and not always pretty, but it is beautiful in every way. There may be slips and relapses, old behavior, and unhealthy thought patterns. But unlike most recovery programs, Helm understands that these are a part of the process and will continue to work with the individual if and when these issues arise.


Interventions are a compassionate way to guide your loved one to a life of freedom and recovery. We utilize the family approach to meet these issues head on quickly and efficiently, placing your loved one in a treatment center suited for their specific needs. We have a network of inpatient detox and residential programs in the Central Texas area. When we take on an intervention, we know we are taking part in one of the most vulnerable and pivotal moments in your family's life. With a 100% success rate, we do not take this task lightly and will continue to work with you for 30 days to see your loved one receive the help they need.

Eight Dimensions of Wellness

Helm Recovery focuses on the eight dimensions of wellness to help tailor the program for the individual:

  • Emotional/Mental: Keeping a positive attitude and learning how to navigate the new feelings and emotions that come with recovery.
  • Environmental: Understanding that the environment we put ourselves in has an impact on our lives. Making any necessary changes to that environment that change the trajectory of one’s life.
  • Social: The one thing people in recovery crave and thrive in is community. Finding one that fits is of paramount importance.
  • Physical: Exercise and taking care of the bodies we are in can keep our minds and our spirits running strong.
  • Financial: Getting finances on track or making sure they stay on track.
  • Intellectual: Finding what stimulates the mind and having a thirst for knowledge can open up many doors in life.
  • Occupational: Failure to find how to make a meaningful living to support oneself is what causes many addicts to relapse. Finding meaningful employment is one of the first goals most people have.
  • Spiritual: Along with the mental and physical aspects, the spiritual piece is the third leg of the stool. Finding something that connects us with the universe, nature, god(s), higher-self is what can keep us going in the darkest of times.


The mind-body connection is a vital piece of everyone's life and journey to wellness. Helm Recovery offers exclusive fitness and physical coaching for those wanting to get in shape, take their training to the next level, or just find a physical activity that you can build into a healthy lifestyle.


Assessing your families situation can be a daunting task. Be it addiction, mental health or another crisis, knowing where to start can be the most difficult task. We work with you and your family from the very beginning to ensure the best decisions are make and best course of action taken.

Sober Transports/Companion

We provide safe passage across the country to ensure you or your loved one gets to where they need to be with the support they need. Whether it be high acuity mental health, substance use, or a transfer from one program to another, we can help make the journey safe.

Let's Talk

Becoming whole again starts with a conversation.

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